Editorial: Letter from the Editors
Dear Reader,This issue of the journal features a double focus for the first time. Opening with insights into processes of transitional justice (guest editors Susanne Buckley-Zistel and Thorsten Bonacker), it moves on to a variety of explorations in the field of prejudice using qualitative method approaches (guest edited by Felix Knappertsbusch, Björn Milbradt, and Udo Kelle). Our sincere thanks to both guest editing teams for the interesting and worthwhile focus sections they have
The two papers in the open section once again reflect the diversity of the field of conflict and violence: terrorist internet forums are the topic of the first article,
while the second examines the classical sociological topic of youth violence.
The next issue, to appear in autumn 2013, will focus on intimate partner violence. Until then we invite you to visit our new early view section every once in a while to check on pre-releases.
June 2013
Wilhelm Heitmeyer
Douglas S. Massey
Steven F. Messner
James Sidanius
Michel Wieviorka
How to Cite
Heitmeyer, W., Massey, D. S., Messner, S. F., Sidanius, J., & Wieviorka, M. (2013). Editorial: Letter from the Editors. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 7(1), 3. https://doi.org/10.4119/ijcv-2943
Editorial: Letter from the Editors
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